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Do you need to update your membership account, change your login name or password, or renew your membership? If so, use the login box below to access your account or the email reminder box if you forgot your password or login name. Note: the logon to access your account information and first time registration is done in SECURE mode.

Existing Members: If you are already a member and know your login name and password, please use the member login box. Once logged in you will be able to access any page as well as your account:

Existing KRO Member Login
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Former Member or Forgot your login stuff? If you believe you previously registered as a member, but have forgotten your login name or password, you will need to register a new account with a different email. We will try to match you up with your existing membership, though you will retain your new login name and password.

Don't have an account? To access restricted material you must first register and apply for Membership. Click the "Register Now" button below if you have never registered. You may submit your membership request during your first-time registration.

First-time Registration

Suitability and Eligibility: Kaiser Research Online is a complex system intended for sophisticated speculators interested in junior Canadian companies listed on the TSX and TSXV exchanges. The subject matter is of a high risk nature.

Privacy: We will not rent, sell, give or lend to third parties any of the information provided by you. Periodically we email notices to expired members alerting them to upcoming conferences and new features on the web site, or an unrestricted Blog posting. If you receive such an email and no longer wish to receive these emails, reply with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line and we will deactivate your email. You will still be able to log on in case you wish to reactivate your membership or recover your login name and password using the "forgot my password" feature.

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